I am lucky, or' Special' :) as s'one put in a card.
After a liesurely morning, opening a present from my kids (it gets less, every year) My brother Steve arrived, to wish me b'day greetings and bring a cool ideal gift for me. As I seem to do so many really exciting things that I never want to forget. It was one of those digital photo frames, I aint got a clue how to use it though, niether has Richard the cleaner yet :) Julie Andrews popped in, taking on the guise of Dr Dooditle, with Holly, and walking her to the shops.
I tried to no avail, carrying my Olympic Torch, to the Library to show Jane (the librarian and holder of painful memories of a time, when I was 'happily' married? and Nicky was a close friend. Just a little closer than I had imagined!1! Anyway I took myself and offered, to call in with the Torch (if they collected me as well) when Jane was doing a 'Events of 2012' piece of art work with the children.
That was yesterday.
You probably need a memory card which you load with picture files from your computer.