Sunday 12 September 2010


Don't you love the fact that they (google) always put 'relevant' adverts in my blog? I mean lets just experiment with a few key words, obesity and dieting (hey it's been close to my heart) Sex, impotence, frigid, (in for a penny in for a pound!!) Mind you I often discuss my periods and I don't get adverts for sanitary products. So maybe it's all in my head.

I'm right excited and geeky, because my 'kick plates' have arrived in Derby at West Country Recumbent. I'm so looking forward to being able to put my 'Slumphf' gear on. Without having to hold up the traffic and press the button manually.

Yorkshire tv, are phoning tomorrow, they want to come and film me at the Inclusive Cycling at Hills bro', but I don't know, it's really not being the same this summer, lots of politics and me not feeling very appreciated at times, has seen my attendance dwindle. Also it's on the same day as uni, who incidentally have written. Saying they want written confirmation, of my teaching practice.


  1. Go do it. One; you'll get a bit of recognition for something you got moving and two; it doesn't have to be for life.
    When you see Janet Street-Porter poncing around the countryside you don't suppose she spends all her time at that, do you? I'd be surprised if she goes near the rural outside of a car unless the cameras are on her :0)

  2. I know, I think I'll do that, because I just feel passionate about disabled folk getting that freedom.

    I just don't know about my Cert Ed, anymore :(

    Hey my lil experiment only came up with a 'teaching suggestion' awwwww not everyone has my smuty sense of humour. ;)

  3. go get ur picy on tv.uni can wait,it maybe ur chance for 5 mins of fame

  4. Do you know? I feel like Uni, would be the selfish act, and if I were to concentrate on Hillsbro' for the year. Then I may feel like I've got more room to study. I just don't feel ready at the moment, but am I missing a fab opportunity?

  5. Que sera sera - the right thing will be so obvious that you will wonder why you never realised it earlier.

    Hope your plates are fitted soon. It sounds as if you are getting mnore comfortable with the local trips take care and keep alert on the road - remember you won't turn into a pillar of salt if you look back to see what's queuing up behind
