Saturday 4 September 2010

Sheffield Cycle Chic

Hey look I can do 'no hands' on Ziggy. I have tried to upload a pic of my eye, which is much better than it was, and I cant. So don't expect this too often :) Thanks to Rob, btw did you get my pics on the moby. I'm very excited at the thought of being able to control my gears, without stopping.
Hope everyones well, in Norwich, that's folk off the Inclusive Cycling Forum, who are having a meet.
Oh yeah, I knew there was a purpose to this blog? Sheffield Cycle Chic, I've lost your moby number you'll need to call me. But I'm still on for cuppa and CAKE, on Monday.
Must tell you, my friend kipped in one of the kids beds, eventually. And I kept waking her in the night because I was laughing so much in my sleep :D


  1. Yes thanks. Carol is checking with the manufacturer for the parts... The magic number was helpful. Cheers!

  2. Well you asked for it, I wouldn't have had a clue, so nice one :)

    Let me know how much I owe you.

    Ta x

  3. Norwich went well.
    Best bit was Appalling Dave discovering that his packets of soup were drinking chocolate :0)

  4. Derek........Did you have to be there? :D Is Appalling Dave, not Terry Waite ? I think I do remember you speaking of the appauling one.

    Are you all home now? Ziggy is booked into have some new cables on Wednesday, so thanks for that.

    I've had a v lazy day at home with my bairns. :)

  5. For a third attempt here is my comment - its so easy to fake-it hands off when you have 3 wheels - how do we know that your are actually moving in that picture, and not sittiong with the brake locked on or a stick in the spokes. you can fake-it when you have 2 wheels but its much harder to do.

    So are you faking it - we should be told.
