Friday 8 October 2010


How excited am I??? :D

To think a year ago, nearly. I wrote a story for the 'Cycle Mag' about How cycling was rediscovering my personality, type of thing. Because the knocks of life, had stolen it!! Ooooooh and I'm excited now, just like I used to feel, when I was 21 and all girly.

Today, Dan the editor of 'Cycle Mag' won an award for publishing a story I wrote. I know, it's strange, but I knew nowt about it until I read it in 'Cycle clips'. But I am so thrilled about it. And not forgetting Steve Marsden, who spotted my ability to go deep and bring my emotions to the fore. So Well Done Steve! ;0)xx

Tomorrow I'm off to London to the cycle show, to help out on the Wheels For Well being stand. I'll be wearing a t-shirt with my name on, so please say 'hello'. And I am a wee bit scared, about the whole thing, to think, of what's happened in a year.

3 years ago I was awarded a very small sum of money each month, which I wisely used bla.....blaa. I know you've heard it, all before. But instead of being penalised for saving money, I've been well rewarded. In my review, so I'm very happy :) lets just say Centre Parks is beckoning.

Might see you tomorrow. :)xxxx

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