She's here!! My trike arrived in Derby today. I must say I am suprised, but as predicted by Rob and Carol!! Amazingly I'm not jumping for joy, because I feel silly jumping for joy on my tod!! and despite several attempts to get hold of Steve Marsden, so he can share in my excitment. He's on a course :( They could also deliver it too me on Friday, but Steve can't make it, and I wanted him to be there, because surely he'll be as giddy as me?
Awwwww I love Pat my tesco bus driver, those of you familiar, with my sad sheltered routine :) Will know that on a Tuesday, I catch my tesco bus to get my shopping. The driver who I know quite well now, is soooo incredibly helpful to everyone. He has a heart of gold, and is called Pat. Today was no exception, I text him 10 mins b4 the bus was due to leave, asking him to wait, as I was in the queue. Well he waited and waited. The cashier was called T r a c y, and as she put the guy in front of me's trolley through, she was comentating on every f* item, 'Oooh so you've got a new born then?' as she swipped the tiny nappies through. (ur no there for himself!!!!) I felt like screaming. I did my stuff, paid, and legged it, (in my dreams! as if I could?)
Pat parked the bus up away from the bus stop and came running down shouting abuse at me. But I was very grateful, as I'd got to visit the nurse, before I went to help out at the Social Worker training, so quite a full day on really.
I still didn't go to the nurse, I phoned to apologise and they arranged for tomorrow. Which was far more sensible.
Hi Richard :) my friendly taxi driver.
I'm super excited because fortunately I took some contact cards, and got lots of promising ideas about how I might be useful to them or someone they know.
Also, how exciting!!! This guy called Dave, who kinda facilitates a group of brain injury survivors, wants me to talk to the group, and take Ziggy. And he's even suggested today, that we do a ride. So, lot's of possibilities there.
Great stuff. We want pictures ...