Thursday, 20 May 2010

Brain Injury awareness

Phew, nobody let me down today. But it would have been fantastic, if I'd have taken Ziggy. As it was Nigel, Maxine, Dave, Steve (CTC), Hannah. Didn't let me down, and 'The Flourish' stall, were so supportive. And my fellow researches from BIRRP were there, and it was nice to see them in a different setting. Hey I did that all by myself!!! I probably won't have a clue again tomorrow. (put the pics up, that is.)
I might be really brave and go to York CTC weekend, in June. Is anyone else going? I think I've sorted a lift, because I don't fancy any unfamiliar roads really.
Catch you later about this, I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Caroline, yeah, Carol and I should be at the York event. The plan is that we'll be working on the BHPC stand telling everyone about recumbents and I'll be showing the trike I used for the first leg of my Glyde around Britain... Come over and give us a shout! Oh, and you should be able to spot the BHPC banner - it is quite large due to some confusion between feet and metres...
