Sunday, 27 June 2010

No Drama

If I'm honest, all the arrangements to watch the football, just didn't grab me. The idea of sitting in the scorching hot beer garden, getting very drunk and dehydrating like parchment paper. (Well, with a bit more substance!!!) I'm far too sensible for that, it's scary, plus I'm on a promise ;) (my mums nurse/friend) all the offers today, just had been too vague.

Scorching hot though it was, and shall I confess this frightening image I have? It's me in a white vest scraping my skin on the road, as I get hit with a car!!!! I know it's irrational!!! And today, I wore a white vest typy top. I resisted the temptation to get changed. And rode Ziggy to where, I knew for definate my company would be well apprechiated, I went about 3miles to see my Mum, on an odinarily busy Rd. Once thereI removed my helmet, my hair absolutely plastered to my skull!! My Mum said 'Ooooh Caroline, you do look a mess!!!' ' :D bless her.

I gave another one of Mums male nurses, the keys to unlock Ziggy. And take her for a spin, I love it when people like her!! and I've said before I treat her as a living creature. As I said goodbye to Mum, Ziggy got 3 more admirers, and consequently they all had a play, on Ziggy I may add!!

Hi Dave, good to know you are ok, I do worry unneccersarily at times :)

Julie Andrews phoned to see if I was gonna join her in the pub, but I was just bedragled by the time I got there. And do you know? I never stopped once, I just plodded, very slowly and steadily, until I reached home. No drama!! No blood stained white vest even!!


  1. You're not alone with the worries. I've been suffering with PTSD after being hit cycling to work back in 2008 and it has taken the best part of 18 months out of my life. That is why you were encouraging me back into cycling when we dropped off Ziggy's predecessor for you to borrow. And why I was doing my Glyde Around Britain - to get back out there.
    You can sit at home and worry about all the bad things that might happen.
    Or you can get off your arse and go and do stuff, maybe enjoy it and maybe make new friends.

  2. It's amazing how we all inspire. Do you know, what makes me want to cycle? (well 1 of the reasons)Is hearing about the folk who are encouraged by my trials, tribulations, and the joy of my successes.

    So thank you.

  3. No worries.
    Ha, and you thought I was encouraging you and just taking the mick when I was saying you were inspiring me!!!
    And there is getting out there and riding for all the folk who aren't able to do it. Been trapped there myself when I was waiting for a cataract op and couldn't even walk to the local shop.
    BTW just had DH visit and he's had lessons on how to fold Ziggy - so "teacher" incoming and no excuses for not going on the next tram day!!!
