Wednesday, 1 January 2014

I've been out....:) a bit

It poured and it was dark and dingy, but I dragged myself kicking and screaming, out with Holly, well you don't expect me to walk do you??? I cycled a few miles, cutting back through the Park. (bless her!!!) I took holly :) in exchange for my kids taking the Xmas decorations down, fair deal :) A bit of a win win for me.

I wish I'd known Dave was opening up Hillsborough tomorrow, last week, when I booked transport. Oh well I'm going on a trip to the sales instead.

Are you making any New Years resolutions??? I think mine has got to be to venture further on Ziggy?? I am an insy bit scared though.

And hopefully s'thing big will become of the Record of Involvement? thanks to Simon Geller for the tip off, and Roz Davies, Chris Shaw, Mark Parker, and Emily Morton. For believing in it, and me.

And who knows what will happen with the National Coproduction Advice Group and our meetings in London. Oh and I've enquired? joined? Philosophy in Parenting group, which starts on ther 15th of Jan, which happens to be when I'm in London. But I can do the 22nd. And the only reason I'm doing it is because I can cycle there, it's probably about 5 miles :)

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