Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Proper poorly!!

I woke this morning with a pulse running through my head, I felt like 'Stressed Eric' who has big veins sticking to his Temples, bulging with every beat of his heart!!! Urrrgh, I felt rough, I made myself a cuppa, let the dog out, woke the kids (several times) And crawled back to bed with a bowl, and shivered under the duvet. I stayed like this much of the morning, but taking calls from excited folk about Thursday.

Julie Andrews called round, whilst Richard was here, and they had cosy chats about which shamy leathers worked best, and such stuff.

I was supposed to meet Steve M at Tesco, hey I must have been poorly to call off.  But I called him and was full of gratitude for bringing Inclusive Cycling to Sheffield. Regardless of what happens, it's definitely here to stay.

Btw, my head ache has got worse, until I ate a really unhealthy? veg pizza (hey it had spinach in it) and now it's gone.

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