Friday 18 June 2010

In My Dreams....

I dream of Ziggy, my recumbent trike.


  1. Could she be behaving like a chainless Huffy(*), and going out for short rides with young men Worry not though you'll soon be together again to make sure she keeps on the straight and narrow.

    (*)A cycling joke for US fans of the Huffy Bicycle Shaped Object.

    ETA is 09.26 will dog to see what the plans are - I can probably fit the trike on the trailer.....

  2. Where were you? Spent the weekend at the York Racecourse but you and Ziggy were nowhere to be seen.... at least not where I was looking!

  3. Rob - I think I missed you too or managed not to see you when we were in the same area.

    Then again I didn't see a lot of the people who said they would be there and might see me and instead I saw a lot of people I didn't expect to see....

  4. You'd have to kick me as I wondered past ignoring everyone - I blame my white cane for not recognising people I know! But there are always plenty of faces I do recognise at the Rally as I see them every year and only ever see them there!
    Whitey, my big white velomobile was there and I was hanging around with her for most of Saturday...

  5. Sorry I missed you Rob, every time I saw a 'velomobile'??? (is that the name for them?) I looked to see if it was you. I also studied Santa, in the tandam recumbent, and decided it def wasn't you.

    Lot's of folk found me, but then again, I've learnt of a few who went. And I didn't see. Don't you think the hymns were a big disappointment :D
