I hope, I don't let folk down or make them embarrased to know me!! And that my children are good, and my bruvs are good! Cos we are only ever all together at Weddings or Funerals. And it seems to ,,, no actually I tell a lie because we all met for lunch last Boxing Day, twas very civil. :) Loads of folk are making it happen tomorrow, I couldn't do any of it on my own. But yet I'm the one who's gonna get all ther credit :)
I'm not sure whether folk are joining me at Endcliffe, but I spoke to Ash from Endcliffe Cafe today, who was stranded in town, as the torch went through the Centre of Sheffield.
Hey and does anyone remember me talking about the Gorgeous Mike, who was a Student Nurse with Autism Plus?? Well he's been in touch loads today, to tell me he can't wait to see me in Conisborough tomorrow :) and the boy now man, who first came to tea at my Mums house when I was 13, and remained friends, visiting me in hospital when I was 21. Taking me and my ex to the pictures, and then returning me to the hospital ward at 9. He got in touch to sday he would catch up with me at Endcliffe :)
I do love folk :) xxx
Good Luck Flower