Tuesday, 7 August 2012

I CAN'T DO IT!!!!!!

I can Cycle safely, and I love it. But when it comes to cycle locks, or Padlocks, or tugging and pulling to manualy do things with Ziggy. I'm just shit!

It was great, I cycled down, to Dore Station. With the wind at my heels. In exactly 6 minutes!!! I know, I couldn't quite believe it either. And it took me about 15 mins, to get my Cycle out/lock it up!! And worse still was the journey home. When my security lock (combination Padlock) had mysteriously ?????? changed combination???? If I hadn't returned from the dentist, feeling smug and good, because at the age of nearly 46 I was able to 'Nip' to the train station. Hop on a train, get my teeth repaired. Without the promise of a badge, or Certificate at the end of it. And cycle home. But I fell at the last hurdle. Having to stand in unusually large droplets of rain and call poor Richard the cleaner, to come and rescue me. He arrived, and found, my combination had changed from 162 to 805 (it's not really  b4 you try and steal, my trike) And how on earth Richard managed to crack the code, in 10 minutes! was alarming. It was like watching a Rubics Cube master in action!!

Hey, really good Opportunities may be coming up for me to do some more writing, for this years 'Off the Shelf'

Tomorrow, I'm cycling to the bank at Millhouses, and meeting Miriam in the Park wi my kids. Who for the past few days have had 'A chimney Sweep up their Ass' and been working for their Dad!! and their wages???? You'd think they were based in the 3rd World, not S17!! But they are enjoying it, and it does em good.


  1. Just write down what you would have done for the dentist trip 4 years ago and compare how much time you have won back.

    And ditch that combination lock, rule is that you should have a locking system to match the value of the bike, and some of those combination locks are about as effective as plastic zip-ties.

  2. I thought your kids were pretty clued up on negotiating skills - obviously they need to include a session on pay bargaining.

  3. I know, I'm a bit like an Ostridge??? No that's the wrong animal! I'm a bit in denial. Even though Sheffield is the Countries Stolen bike Capital!!!

    I paid £15.00 for a brass combination, because I have lost keys b4, and thought good investment. I daren't go and attempt this morning now!! I will though, but I knowthat I will struggle. And you're right, I am certainly a lot more Independant, I don't know who to thank, Ex or Steve M!!
