Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Xmas Lunch :)

Well Steve was true to his word, he paid for a gorgeous some what belated Xmas meal, in Endcliffe Park Cafe. For his ever adoring self employed staff plus Volunteers. So After I pinned him down, in my dreams!!! to meeting today, as that was just fab for everyone, we met and ate lovely food. And talked about.........knitt...Cycling of course. He shared his dreams, and hopes for disability Cycling, which actually do include me.

And I've got the go ahead for a bit of promotion work for Hillsborough with s'thing that I am helping produce, with the Council, well not really I'm just the creative thinker, behind a bit of techy stuff, that I havent a clue about!!

Marj phoned, and I'm meeting her at Hillsborough tomorrow.

I'm also meeting Liz Salmon,who I used to work with on the SDS team, she's coming for some lunch.

My beautiful children, will be home tomorrow :)

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