Monday 30 November 2009

I love Angela Lant :), well not actually, but I am very happy my children attend a pro cycling school, which positively encourages its pupils to take safety seriously, and tempts them with a continental breakfast as a reward. So Totley Primary has a real bike presence about it, what with Pedal Ready, Bike It and me in my CTC tee shirt, and the area project manager Steve, collecting my son so they could both cycle home together. It's really good, and makes me proud.

Anyway I'm not too sure about whether this will happen? but it won't be through lack of enthusiasm, by the school or myself. But Steve Marsden (CTC) said that if school would let them use the playground, he would teach my mates to ride bikes.

I did a quick 'reccy' and it would appear that Monday is the only common suitable day as well. But there's all sorts of issues like, how many folk? Who's insurance covers the participants?

And I cycled to my lovely physios to show him, my super cool bike (in the daylight) Do I just bore people:D Because the shop was locked up.

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