Friday, 18 May 2012

Health Watch

I attended, a very boring Health Watch meeting in Sheffield conveniently it was at SWFC which is next door to Hillsborough Park. Which meant, I could go on Ziggy and make an entrance!! and park her up next to the Bar, in our meeting room. We were placed on tables depending on 'Our hat' for the day. I chose mine as being an interested Individual. It soon, I sat with Emily Morton, who is a really nice intelligent woman whose job is at the Centre for Independant Living, she is also married to one of the bosses at ASC so a knowledgeable contact.

I knew things were busy at Hillsborough Cycling, and I kinda thought I  making a better contribution to Sheffields Health at Cycling, so I left. But not before accosting this, Scotish Guy called Andrew?? who promised to call about coming to Inclusive Cycling. He too had been to London Recumbents, and Dulich Park.

Cycling 4 All, was packed with loads of new faces, because it was a new Cycle 4 Health, and Cycling 4 All, my mate Lorraine was there, and my darling Fred! who I aint seen for a while. Lawrence turned up for a Cycle, in fact him and Fred cycled the side by side down to the chip shop.

Dial A Ride collected me, and it was the most ignorent driver, you can imagine!! He sat and waited an hour in the car park, whist I had my lunch, determined not to move for his convenience. As he wasn't due to collect me till 2. At 140, I boarded the bus, and listened to his grunts of disapproval, as he very akwardly, strapped Ziggy using seat belts????? I offered advice on how other dreivers 'Coped' by shackling her to the floor using the correct 'Belts'. He ignored prefering to spend 20mins ranting because he'd got to take the seats out!! We moved on to Chaucer, which is quite a way out of the way.  Where we were to collect 'Derek'  a chap of about 60?? who was very affected by his disability. When wheeling Derek onto the bus, the driver commented 'He's got very poor communication love, He doesn't understand owt' I was absolutely horrified, that this guy was probably aware as he wasn't deaf!!! I said Hi, to him, not sure if I'd get a response, he smiled and pointed a very conourted arm towards Ziggy, and uttered the word 'Recumbent.' I gave him one of Steve's contact cards and invited him to Hillsborough. I'd love it if I was able to see him again, but I doulbt I will :( My journey from Hillsborough to Home took me 90minutes. Not a good day. 

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