Sunday, 27 May 2012


ooooh, I've just looked it up, when its going through C.. and there's only one Torch Bearer, and that's me that is!! So it would be fab, if anyone could come, but if you can't think of me at 10 2 10 in the morning won't you?

How exciting!!!!

It was great, it is great going out at 7.00am, and mingling with 'Sadies' (staffy X') Dad, Digbys (Labradoodle) Dad looking tired, and 2 week old Son, in a papoose, and Jack the Border Collies Dad. We all commune on the Cricket Square, that hasn't actually seen a cricket ball for 20 years?

I had words with my daughter, or should I say she had words with me!! over s'thing silly, so I've just sent her this email Emotional sensitivity. Be there tension in your home? Are people loud or angry or emotional? Are there arguments or fights? Whippets are extremely sensitive to stress and can end up literally sick to their stomachs, with severe digestive upsets and neurotic behaviors, if the people in their home are having family problems. Sighthounds are peaceful, sensitive dogs who need a peaceful, harmonious home.

Just saying.


I was fine though, I cycled to little Tesco, all happy and free. But I noticed I'd forgotten my flag, so crawled back on the Pavement..

I'm only busy 3 days this week, so looking forward to some Holly dog time :)


  1. I am so sorry you won't be in Sheffield with the torch because I can't make it to Conisborough but we will be thinking of you and cheering you on from here xx

  2. Awww thank you, I musn't grumble :)I am very excited!! x

  3. I bet! Real once in a lifetime event :)
