Sunday 21 February 2010


I think my brains made of paper mac he? I was feeling good, because I wasn't going to let the white stuff, that was falling thick and fast defeat me this time!!! I had made a vow to my readers, (all 2 of you!!) that I was gonna go out today!! I offered the wee boy next door £5 for clearing me a path from my shed to the road. So a deal was hatched. My children went off all lovely jubbeley with their Dad sledging. My eldest daughter scowled at me for being irresponsible and suggesting that the tin buffet tray, we'd got would make a good sledge. 'Mum, don't you remember that girl a year ago on the upturned car roof? 'Point taken, I felt chastised, and rather foolish that my 11 year old was indeed, more sensible at times than me.

The snow, was indeed thawing by the time I set off, and wow it felt good. I had become such a slob, no wonder I had put on a stone!! Just think if I'd never started cycling and I hadn't met Steve (CTC) and never borrowed Jezz, from West Country Recumbents, I'm too embarrassed to say what my weight could be. Anyway, I nipped off to the local shops, to get emergency supplies (was it rations or wartime? because indeed the shelves were empty) but this trip usually takes 20 mins, an hour later I got in. Why???? because like a total arse, I'd forgotten to take the lock off again, when I'd reluctantly just threaded it through the back wheel, as my usual spot next to the purpose built bar was taken. I must have ridden about 20 yards using my heels to propel me, and my hands on the tyres, (like a wheelchair) I felt a right nerd. Are you laughing? I wasn't but I am prepared to smile about it now. How many more times will I do it?

Really looking forward to tomorrow now, unless we have another blanket of snow, all should go ahead. I've got college (beware for my philosophical understandings of the day in tomorrows entry) I get marked on my blog, so lets hope it's good. I'm finishing early because I'm meeting my security blanket Steve. Because Independent Living in Sheffield, want to make a DVD, featuring the story of how I traded in my lecy scooter, for a fab recumbent trike. I've got to take Jezz, they are conjuring up some image of Steve and I pedaling off into the sunset. Urrrrgh then I've got a taxi waiting to take me home, so I can cycle to school, then the Drs, for my 7th lot of anti biotics, but do you know it's taken 6 days for them to be able to sort me out an appointment!!! and I've phoned twice a day. But how silly, I have to come back an hour later to see the nurse. I think I'll torment my physiotherapist, who's next door, for an hour :)

I'm happy now I'm cycling again, and I've got my life back.


  1. You did better than me! I had the alarm set. I got up. I looked at the snow. I went back to bed for an hour and have mooched around the house all day...
    My excuse - well I did go out yesterday...

  2. Just dipped into the new website - with your vignette along with the 4 blokes with bits missing or malfunctioning, who simply said sod it, I want to cycle, so I will cycle.

    Great to get that drug fix that your own body supplies, in just the right amount, and you can be happy that you are not adding to the profits of legal (and illegal) suppliers, with no danger of getting your collar felt

  3. Ooops - forgot to say the new Inclusive Cycling website - its my age you know, affects the memory.

  4. I knew what you were on about, :)

    I've just had to find out what vignette meant though :D I'm ok with that description now thank you.

    C xx

  5. [Blink!] Corrr! I'm off to get me sunglasses - just feel my way out of the room...

  6. I'm reading; so that's three.

  7. Nobby,

    I get it now, hey I'm just not used to the fame:)

    C x
