Friday, 17 December 2010

Sorry Sheff Cycle group :)

Ok, ok I am a drama queen! always have been. But at 2pm yesterday, the rate the snow was falling, I had to make a decision? Did my children, need to sleep an extra night, at their Dads, or not. I decided I would be responsible, and stay home :( Little did I know, that it wasn't gonna get bad?? I do think it got pretty tretcherous on the pavements though. And I could just hear in my head other 'grown ups' saying how foolish I'd been going out. This is as I lay there with a broken ankle!! I would have done it, if i'd got someone to see me home, but I couldn't have expected that.

Hello Karen:) a fellow Health Champ, who's got the total delight of working with the folk, at Autism Plus. She phoned to ask me if I'd go and give a little talk about my blog :D. Urrrrm, I don't know what I can tell them?? But I will give it a go :)

I may have to censor bits like remember the X box guy? well I was a right sucker there (litrally???) - should I take that bit out??? I mean remove it from my blog :D, and never mention J* name again??? Apparently all his workforce got hold of my blog/facebook page :D by typing in my mobile number. And well?....Serves him right because although he absolutely swears he's single, I think not. Ey it's been a right 'rude' post? sorry.

I aint been on Ziggy, I would have risked it, but s'one had come to help me wrap presents, and I couldn't really leave her and p* off, now could I???

I'm definately going out tomorrow evening, with a friend called Sally, I've not mentioned her before, my son used to play football with hers.

And I had a month of sowing some wild oats, I'm going back to being celebate now.

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