Friday, 31 December 2010

I'm back :)

HELLO ;D I've missed you all.

I've gotta confess though, I did feel quite liberated. Like I could do exactly what I wanted, and wouldn't have to tell anyone:)

I didn't cycle for 2 whole weeks because of the weather, and then when I did? My body was so decrepit, I struggled like a Beetle trying to get up off it's back!! So I had to take a child with me where ever I went, (hardly stretching my Independence) After 10 days of trying to dry my bed out, and sleeping on the settee, the insurance company have just been and removed my bed, Finns bed, an Xbox360, a Playstation and loads of other gadgetry things.

Ahhhh this guy was so lovely today, I am genuinely touched (not physically) My router arrived complete with internet password. Because I aint very supple or savy!! I asked this guy to come and set it up for me and of course I would pay him cash. As apposed to sleeping with him, as had often been the case recently.(should I say that?) moby 07963501826 was today's wonderful guy, he didn't want a penny from me, or sex!! He said it was a late Xmas Pressie, ahhhhh how nice. I think he saw me and the kids, having the furniture removed from around us. I was however in a splendid mood, because I'd just been out for lunch to this really nice wine bar, with my bruvs family and my Mum, and it was the funniest time I've had in ages,

I have been cycling to the pub, and leading a very slovenly existence, I iaint cycled to my Mums, because I don't think that I would make it, plus it would mean cycling on the pavement (?) because of my 8 year old, who hasn't done his Cycling Proficiency thing yet. I know he's confident enough, perhaps a little over confident, and I'm not sure that his hearings good enough??? He is infact wiser than me at times, talking of which, it was last New Years Day, when I gashed my leg whilst trying to go up a BMX ramp, on a recumbent trike, eeeeeek, ouch!!

I keep meaning to pick up a strip of velcros to use as a hand brake, because the inner tubes I have keep spliting?? has anyone any ideas?

New Years Resolutions? Last/this year I made 12, and kept or achieved 9, so I'm pleased with what I achieved in 2010, Oooooooooh but what were they?? I write them down in the back of my diary, and look and beat myself up for not doing owt, which I know isn't good, but I just find it interesting to see where I've been and how low I have sunk:)



  1. Old fashioned toe clip straps are the standard solution for fixing bits of bike to other bits of bike as they are easily adjustable and tough as old boots, especially the leather ones.

    Glad you are recovering from the flood.

    Not saying nothing about anything else, not my place { 9-)

    Happy new Year

  2. What do they look like then Pete? And where might I get them? Don't laugh :D


  3. Hi Caroline,
    Nice to have you back - I've been out 3 times in December - you're not the only one hiding from the weather!
    Email me your postal address to and I'll make you up some brake straps - I just bought a load of velcro for another job so will have some spare...
    B&Q sell packs of 6 for a couple of quid and I pick up a pack every time my last set have disappeared/got used on other jobs - time I made my own!

  4. I should have mentioned that.

    Bike shops still sell them, toe clips are out of fashion these days but they should have some out the back. Should be about a fiver.

    They are straps with a buckle on that can be tightened and loosened with one hand. This is so the toe clips could be adjusted while riding (one-handed with the other down at your foot - even more fun on a fixie). You can use them as a handbrake by looping them round your brake lever and the handlebar. They can be loosened by squeezing one fairly obvious bit of the buckle and tightened with one tug (oooh er missus) on the strap.

    Have also been used to repair random touring breakages (panniers, tyre splits, frames) and on occasion joined en masse to form a tow rope!


  5. Thanks Pete and Rob, they do sound just the ticket :) But when I'm near a Habidashory?? (i aint a clue how it's spelt) I will pick s'thing up.
    Caroline Waugh
    I best send my address via email actually,
    But thanks

    My House is the biggest tip in the world, it's horrible :(

