Thursday, 10 February 2011


Lets just say, the meeting that We held today was attended by Keith Levy, from Voluntary Action, Jeanette Thompson from Adult Social Care, Steve Marsden (CTC) Hannah Boneham, Adult Social Care Nigel West, Altogether Better and lil old me. How can I get so many great folk around a table in a coffee bar? I don't think Keith knew quite how to take me??? But all the rest are all to familiar!!

I cant really think too deeply at the moment, but I did like the idea of a charity to support Inclusive Cycling, and all those who sail in her type of thing. And my other 'interests' paying a donation to that charity, for any promotional stuff. In addition to any sponsorship deals, I may get from local companies.

I'll fill you in when I know, what I'm gonna do. Right now? I'm putting my children to bed, and sllleeeeeeeping. 'zzzzzzzz' x

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