Friday, 4 February 2011


I got up this morning, feeling feet were throbbing, actually they still are!! Went to the loo, and that's when it started, (i could make a cheap pun, but won't!)Blood, poured from my nose, onto the floor, I was really quite scared. But I pinched it and got some tissue. My kids were mortified, but soo good and they got themselves off to school.

I rang NHS direct, and I could have bled to death by the time, they'd decided to actually speak to me!!! Baring in mind my Mum has had 2 strokes, I didn't want to take any chances. Dont laugh!!!! But I thought F* it, and called an ambulance, but I felt so silly saying that I needed an ambulance for a nose bleed, that I hung up. But it wasn't actually my nose bleed, it was my pulsating extremities, that scared me, time had passed and it was now, 8.30am. So I rang my own GP, and I got the silly old git, who 4 years ago ended up calling an ambulance for me, after I'd been refused a home visit, when I had insisted that the mosquito bites on my leg had gone sceptic and I needed anti biotics, he turned up after I pleaded, that I wasn't well enough to walk to the surgery 10 hours later!!

Anyway, I flipped a bit this AM, why can't I have a visit? I don't bother you for 18months, and then when I ask you to come and check out you tell me to Walk!!! Don't you know anything about me? I might cycle but I never walk to the surgery, I haven't ever been this point my feet throbbed more I was soooo stressed. Cycle!! well, if you can ride a bicycle? I thought I was gonna have a fit, literally!! I calmly told him I could no longer argue, he said he'd send a nurse, which was fine. She came as my lounge ceiling was brought to the floor.

140 over 90, which is the lowest high blood pressure reading if you get me?? So I am concerned.

My porch big window has blown in because of the high winds!!

Bloody hell!!! I've just had a very drunk woman phone me, and warn me about her manic depressive husband who she'd just made homeless, and he had my moby number in his moby. I explained that I didn't know him, and that I just didn't Internet date anymore (only a little fib!!) I said I was more concerned about whether she was ok, because she sounded very upset, angry, and drunk!!She sobbed for a while, and said her goodbyes telling me that she may phone me again for a chat :D I don't mind her phoning as long as her ex doesn't who ever he is.

The house is soooo upside down literally!! Oh did I say my window had blown in !!! :D I'm sooo boring and repetitive!!!

Should I take Aspirin then???

I see the CTC are offering Burseries to folk who wish to study cycling at University, I couldn't do it. But I could think of a couple of folk who would be ideal......:D..K..?


  1. Can you see where you're going now or are you still walking round with your head back?

    It sounds pretty chaotic there - hope they get it sorted for you soon.

    ps The aspirin won't help the wind...

  2. By gum your life is exiting, this is what we signed up for. { 9-)
