Saturday 25 February 2012


I loved Friday, it was Fab seeing Matt, and the others. It is fun, and my brains frazzled, when I've done :) OOoooooooh One member has left, sadly due to ill health, his tumour has grown, on his brain. How bloody devastating must that be???? I can't imagine!! Another woman had joined the group, she was an ex probation officer, very intelligent, maybe a little bit 'uptight' but she walked with a white cane, as she only had partial eye sight. I did 'gush' and offer assistance, which she declined. But I liked her and she seemed to fit in.

I rang the lovely Nigel West, when I returned about the Record of Involvement, presentation on the 16th of March. And I aint got power point, and it's £190 to buy. So I don't think I'll be producing it at home, but maybe Michael and I will have a go on Monday. As we have a Pc, a manager, and a support person to Co Produce the final bits of the ROI. Before it goes live and I try and sell the Idea, to lots of folk.

Oh BTW, having found myself wanting the same Consultancy position as Steph with the, laST NIGHT i OFFERED TO PULL OUT. bUT DID SAY, IF THEY WERE PAYING FOR AN EXTRA PERSON TO CATCH THE TRAIN WITH sTEPH? iT MAY AS WELL BE ME!!! oooops

And they agreed, so I think that will be interesting as they are hoping to do a lot of similar stuff to Sheffield ASC from what I gather.

You know my life? It is very good :)

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