I'm here, bonkers and all the other idiosyncrasies. I sent a pic out......Oh my gosh :) How could I forget, that I got the fantastic tiara this morning!!! with the trike on, I may, if you're lucky model it for you. But hey I've been busy today, along with the usual Tesco Tuesday, do you remember I had a meet with Richard Webb (exec Director of Adult Social Care)?? Well apparently he's asked the lovely Hannah, to arrange an informal meet with me to discuss new options!! Mmmmm' Interesting. As I am going to a Co Production Meeting next week, we've arranged to have lunch together.
Hey, remember ???(I do demand that you keep up, sorry!!) I do my writing thing with another Brain Injured Man who happens to Cycle, well I asked him today, if he wanted to meet me in Millhouses Park for a coffee? And he said yes!! But hey it's only a coffee!! And I just like to widen my circle of friends.
I will visit my Mum, but I don't think I will have time to do Esporta :) EEEEk!! I'm making excuses already.
I'm doing a thing for old peoples services next week, I'm taking Ziggy, and Miriams asked me to wear my Tiara. Do you think I should contact my mate Mark Witty? from Calendar News? I may try and blag a bit of publicity.
Did you see they are looking for torchbearers.
Day 38, Sheffield?
PS Me gurning on the Bucks Offroad Sportive, at 3km down, 129 to go.