Friday, 6 May 2011

Ooooooooh 'I say'

Just remind me never to trust sweet old ladies!!!

I've had a busy day, which saw me speed cycling (but not really :D) to the Chemist and Co-op. I parked Ziggy up on the flat drive way of the local Coop, next to this blue rinsed old dear, who was obviously waiting for someone. Asking if she'd mind, .... and she finished my sentence and said ' OIh yes I'll be here I don't mind looking after your 'bike'. I just knocked Ziggy as I dashed past, it was enough to set her rolling down the hill towards a new Silver Merc. I know it was my fault, but I asked the old dear, if she could just stop it rolling past her....and she Uttered ' Oooooh I say' and raised her arms across her chest!! By some absolute miracle, I'd left the wheels turned in my haste to jump off, so in actual fact She just did a big circle, turning away as she reached the car.:) All this so I could be like the BEST Mum, and get the Fave drink of the mo, at the School Football Match. Anyway all this just detracts away from the 'Meat' or Meet' I will keep it clean ;) of the day.

I met the group outside the University Building, first was Matt, the course leader, (who is young and quite nice ;) I have to tone it a bit because he reads this. Hi Matt :Dxx Then Steph and his Wife Gwyneth???? I always say her name wrong. Heather, who describes herself as having Mental Health Issues????? And Phoar!! then this gorgeous cyclist introduced himself, he was Lawrence, who was 40, and very fit. (and healthy of course, what did you think?)

We learnt about the 5 stages of a story.....silly me? no wonder I've never never made it big in the writing field ? I thought there was an Intro.... middle....and End, No wonder it never worked!!

I loved feeling useful, and valued today. Taking on my usual role of Hostess with the Mostess (no comment - cheeky) making drinks, and making sure everyone was heard etc.

It's gonna be very stressful next Friday, because I'm catching the train at 2pm to go to Weymouth. Matt doing his best to make it ok for everyone though, he's picking me up from home, as well as Steph, and taking me to the Station, after the lesson.

I know I'm chopping and changing and probably not adhering to anything I've been taught, but I'm feeling random, and I'm just having to say it. I've just had a massive Fish and Chips to take home from the local pub, and am feeling like a fat b*

Hey anyway, Im helping out at CFH on Tuesday, at Endcliffe Park, and I invited ' Lawrence' because he seems lonely.

Hey and fantastic news!! Zest are having an 'Old People Awareness' and they've asked me if I want to take Ziggy, and some leaflets about Hillsborough.

Ha, ha I've just re-read my blog, it's kinda contrary, but :) ???

And Just to say Hi to Dave :0)x


  1. Thanks for the thought - need to really tackle the local Social Work - Director hasn't even had the courtesy to acknowledge e-mail or letter delivered to his office by hand, and referral passed to them has been dropped and no record kept- just pure chance that another agency also gets a referral and does record the details. This is disgraceful but sadly seems far too common - as shown by some of the high profile failures for more serious cases.

    Would really be useful to find a car hire place that I can arrive early (say 8 am - or earlier) to hire on a Saturday and return on Saturday night, for a reasonable price, and then use cheaper and less tiring travel options some weekends, especially if I can get somewhere as a base.

    Your moves over the next week sound quite hectic so do take it steady kid, enjoy the trip, and your host's hospitality.
