Monday, 31 January 2011

There's light!

There's light :) I feel content, I can tell this years gonna be a good one! But surely it can't beat last year, in terms of recognition, but I think the best year (please don't hold me to this as it's liable to change)was actually the year before, when I was struggling on a rusty old tricycle called Gretel. I think because of the comparrison with my state of mind before I had an interest, and how happy I was at the end of 2009,

Nigel contacted me late last night to say, the meeting with the internationals was off. So He came to mine, for a coffee and a chat. I rushed urmm steady on, were talking about me here!! to the shops to get some buns, and cherries (hey I'm a health champ I have to have some token fruit)Anyway, we talked about lots of massive ideas, that are worth exploring. But I will go into detail tomorrow, on my blog when I've spoken with Mr Marsden. Five past three, eeeek!!! I said my goodbyes and strained to reach 4mph to go and collect my wee boy.

Ahhhh, I 4got to say :( Justin the gerbil died this morning. 'Mum, awwww can we have a dog now?' was the response.

I have just gone mad on amazon, replacing my childrens bedroom electronics. I'll need to talk nicely to Pat the Tesco bus driver again tomorrow, he is a sweetie. x

Sunday, 30 January 2011

What a waste!!

No Strings Attached, became detached and slipped away!! He wants to see me Tuesday, which I can do but not for that particular type of thing, as I've got decorators in (not of the menstrual type!)But the ones who are going to take down, my lounge ceiling!! And take up my laminate floor.

I'm thoroughly depressed, I had 2 options today, either cycle to my Mums or go to town.....and I've done neither!!

And I do go with the idea that I can't be too bad, because I don't think I'd recognise it, if you follow??? I think I'm just lazy, but I do know that cycling would help lift my mood and energise me. So why don't I do it??? I think I'm on the spiral, and I've passed the point of being able to pick myself up. It was nice that Kev sent me the link to another blog That cheered me up a bit

I hope I feel better for tomorrow, as I'm off to Leeds, to have a meeting with some ministers from S Africa, and Thailand, with representatives from 10 other countries. I want to know, when the invites going to be returned? Expenses paid of course!

I'm feeling a bit crap about myself, please bare with me though I will be back honestly. :L (whats that supposed to look like ? my daughter does it, in her texts???? WTF!!!) xxx


Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Hello xxx

Sorry, I've been evasive. I've been proper fed up, I predicted it, and sure as clockwork, when my house became not my own, Don't get me wrong I av known Dave the builder since I was 3, but I'm just selfish!!

I became depressed.(So Ive booked a NSA encounter on Sunday, how rude!!!)

Urrrrm let me think, I got Pat to drop me at the bank, and deposited a cheque for £3300, whilst there I saw the Nat West volunteered to do community work, and asked if they'd like to paint a Wheels For All Sign for Hillsborough?? Along with some of our clients? She thought they really would!! I thought this was a fab idea, and Steve poo pooed it a bit :(Saying it was not in keeping with the environment) Because I had plans for rainbows and Toucans, and Smiley Faces.

My seat needs tightening, well yes I know it's very saggy, and kinda going south like the rest of my body. But is there any chance hey Rob and Carol, of you sorting a convenient time out with Paul at Recycle, to have a look at Ziggy, and give her the once over, the gears are not right but I sort of know how to handle them.

I haven't had any luck with the hat yet, it's gone on the back burner until I feel a little more positive. I've only been cycling the school run, every day, I aint seen my Mum since Friday, and I won't get tomorrow, because I've got an SDS meeting. Oh btw, I have settled begrudgingly for £550 SDS a month. Which hey ho, it's better than nowt :)

Friday, 21 January 2011

2hours!! but worth it :)

I spent from 9.30 till 11.30 haggling over the contents of my wee boys bedroom which had been damaged, in the flood. After producing evidence via the internet. They settled on £2100. And a cheque was distributed (apparently) I am really happy for my long suffering lil boy. whose been sleeping on bare boards, in a bare bedroom, for 5weeks.

A taxi pulled up at 12 to whisk me off to my SDS work,(ey i sound like Cinderella) And they were all new faces, so hadn't heard of my long....and ey...this guy who suffered from a type of narcolepsy had a 'turn' during my talk...I lol on the inside. But Anna something was a pleasure, because she was really positive, well everyone was really positive and I enjoyed today.

I went into the canteen today, and all the cooks had seen pride Of Britain, and Calendar, which was nice and giddy. Infact one of the Teaching Support Staff - Jill, offered to take me to Meadowhall nearer the time, and get me kitted out. But I really want a hat with a Tricycle on it.

I feel an insy bit resenthul, ever so insy, that so many folk want a piece of my positivity, but aren't prepared to put 'their' money where my mouth is. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, because I loved today, but Social Services, like to parade me, when it suits.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

They've Won but I'm ok

My support plan went to Panel again today, they're the folk that say, whether I'm spending the money sensibly. So I had to say no to the trike and related stuff. And no to being quite as lavish with my mates :)They would pay for my membership to the swimming pool with gym, but they wouldn't pay for my children. And they will pay for the difference in price of a pontins holiday and a very stress free Centre Parks one. So I'm a little better off financially, if it gets passed (I think it will)

How exciting though!! The secretary of The Interim Director Of Adult Social Care, phoned this morning, and asked me where I'd like to meet 'Ed' (hey 1st name basis). So I said Millhouses Park, because I can cycle there.

I spoke to Steve about plans, which I will go into if owt happens.

Cycled to Mums, and publisized Hillsborough Open day, at Henliegh Hall, I do hope s'thing happens.

I'm working tomorrow, if I can find s'one to fetch the children

Wednesday, 19 January 2011


:)Have I told you about my ex hubby and my ex friend before??? I'm sure I have loads of times, am I tiresome when I get repetitive? Anyway, his new sister in law, so Nicky's sister, and her partner, (whose an old colleague of my ex', who I went on the Price Is Right with. Have moved into my Mothers house, and where I lived for 24 years of my life. But I don't mind at all, but I would have been before I took up cycling.

The insurers came to take away the 3 humidifiers and 4 fans that I've been triping over for the past month. And at last he told me that I've been granted everything I put on the list, but I had to receive the go ahead officially to go out and purchase new stuff. My claims guy then phoned and said I could employ my friend as he'd put in the best quote at £3500 for the building work. It will be a big upheaval but worth it I'm sure. New clean start!!! and all that.

I've cycled to school everyday this week, and I feel so much better for it. I have done it because,a little girl was grabbed, but got away outside school last week. So there's a real 'togetherness' at the school gates, and it's nice. My daughter on the other hand walks to school with 7 of her mates.

Ooooh yeah, I've just Put my name down for a really interesting (i scare myself sometimes, for being so 'interested' in things :D)it's a day on Adult Autism. Wow I'm just so interested in all people really, arent you though?

I'm having a telephone meeting tomorrow, to get me some money for taxis etc, help wi the kids etc. Ooooh but I sent this off today as a final vent my spleen

on reflection?I kept pondering over why still no one got what was so very obvious to me?? And that was how economical I am being by using a bit of my own energy. I don't know why I didn't work this out before, as it's obvious that money speaks louder than words or my feelings.

If I got 12 punctures or faults a year?? (It's not that trikes are unreliable, it's just I am not able to fix simple things like punctures, and I have got an extra wheel) It would cost an extra £1516 per year, on paying a PA to fetch my children, taxis to my Mums, taxis to bus stops, my voluntary work. I haven't included extra trips and freedom my Trike allows. The trike I priced up was a mere £1997 a difference of £481, and if you'd begrudge me that after all the campaigning I do, Well Adult Social Care obviously doesn't care very much.

I wrote that first thiung before I'd had a massive uplift from the insurers.

Caroline Waugh

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

I did say.......

I did say, when folk decided that Hillsborough Open Day, should be Friday the 4th of March.....Why???? I had thought Thursday the 3rd or the 10th, anyway, I think some people smile as I squirm, and send out yet another email, to say it has in fact been changed back to the Thursday, the 3rd so there is some continuation, when it begins in Ernest.

Today.... I had poorly children to juggle, well not really ill, but my little boy said, Mum have you seen this? he tipped his head back to reveal a hole in the roof of his pallet no not really a cleft pallet, and don't let me be tempted to mock, those with one!! It was an ulcer, but I had to phone the docs, but they could only fit him in at, the time my long awaited insurers are coming, and Im helping out with the SDS again, tomorrow. And I hater to give him credit, but my ex said the most sensible thing, and suggested I just took him to the chemist??? Why didn't I think of that? it's plainly very obvious! It's times when I feel I need help that I miss a partner, does that make me needy? and do I want s'one for the wrong reason?

Anyway let me know if you think you can make it on Thursday the 3rd Of March.

Hey I invited Nick Clegg, and surreptitiously got in that the Media would be there. If folk are needing a place to stop, on Thursday the 3rd, let me know?

I rushed into the planning meeting, we were having at the Town Hall today, as I sat decorating 'My Tree' which was to be displayed, I've got to admit, I feel awful for saying it!!! because there is no other way it could have happened, but I felt like some sort of 'Basket case' just got in to occupy my time. Because I could easily have been 'weaving a basket'!!!or sticking stamps on envelopes. It was all my idea that we were creating though, which was some consolation.

I'm going in tomorrow to help with writing assessment questions on risk taking...Are they asking the right person ? Me a 44 year old who believes she is 21!! and tries to go up BMX ramps!! in her recumbent!!! that's me that is!!

Monday, 17 January 2011


Awwwww, I'm really sad that Miriam from Zest and the Health Champions, unselfishly nominated me for the Garden Party at Buckingham Palace, but couldn't defiantly commit, to come. Because she doesn't know where she will be? And because Steve Marsden (CTC) was eager to go, she sacrificed her place. Steve kept saying it was upto me???? (thanks for making it easy then!!) So on the 12th of July, along with 28,998 thousand other folk, we will go and have tea on the lawns of the Palace. We were having a few jokes about me tearing the lawn up wi my Greenspeed. But we are catching the train. I think we'll both have Cauliflower Ear, because he's as talkative as me!!

Oooooooooooh I've got to buy a dress and a hat!! I'm gonna surf the net to see if a can find a cycle one.....not a with a trike on it!! What do you call hat folk??? is it farriers or is that s'thing else. Oooh I'm all giddy now can you tell???

And in case I haven't emailed you today, the open day for Hillsborough Inclusive Cycling is March the 4th, and it's a Friday not a Thursday, as I may have told many folk in error. It will have new cycles and be packed with attractive looking folk, :D and then there'll be me, with a Smile. Lots of technical cycling folk who can advise you better than I.

I had a long chat with Maggie Cambell today, who has been like my Guardian Angel, kinda offering me advice for the past 22years since my brain damage. I would love it if she could get there, I'm sure she will try. But she's sown the seed about me writing a book again.

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Thank you

What a lovely gift I was presented with today, at the at the Sheffield and North East Derbyshire CTC, Christmas Dinner. I got it for being 'The Biggest Achiever' no, not like that!!! Well I hope not :) It just recognised that I'd personally achieved a lot. Anyway, it had the beggining of my 'Journey' riding on Gretal with Steve M, and then me showing off doing 'Hands Free' on Ziggy. In like faded print into the Certificate, it was very tasteful.

Well done to Brian, who dispite his own problems managed to cycle about 10 Miles, a lot of it up hill, on a fixed wheel bike!! And thank you Lindsey for introducing him to cycling. And I will be in touch when Hillsborough, opens again in March. So we can find Bri a more suitable bike :)

Hi to folk who I didn't know, but yet they knew personal details about my menstrual cycle :D They were frequent readers of this, and it makes me smile when folk introduce them selves and quickly follow it with, 'I read your blog' it's like a secret confession.

Oooooooooooh bugger, the house Insurers are coming on Wednesday, to see where else they can save money. My little boy is distraught without his X Box :( and the insurers think we havent got a bed, but they still havent said that we can go ahead and buy one..buggers!

Yesterday, Saturday

West Country Recumbent, and this blog work fantastically well!! well not just WCR, all cyclists who follow my life 'with a bent'. But as soon as I said I needed my frame no...??? I mean they were asking me!! at the insurance company, they think because I ride a trike valued so highly, I'm some sort of expert....urm definitely not. Anyway emails exchanged and the lovely Carol, from WCR provided me with the number of my frame :)

Ooooooooooooh!!!! I can't believe I 4got to mention, I've been invited to Buckingham Palace Garden Party!!! I've got a choice of about 3 dates in June and July. Hey, will I become a Lady then??? :D

Friday, 14 January 2011

my new insurance - nearly Had a lot of additional offers, like all the usual insurance plus break down cover if you are more than a mile away from home. I know I can usually limp home, but I will get it paid for out of my SDS, so why not??? Also the very green Insurance travel sight was interesting, I copied can ride as a bicycle

Wednesday, 8th September, 2010

A pedal-powered cargo trike that can transform itself into a shopping trolley could be a healthy and cheap alternative to electric mobility scooters.

Many elderly and disabled people rely on pedal trikes for personal transport and the ‘Bag or Bike’ design by Belgian designer Natacha Lesty takes the concept further by allowing it to fold and be used as a wheeled shopping trolley.

If the ‘Bag or Bike’ makes it to production it is likely to be offered with electric-assist as an optional extra.

The rise of the cargo bike
Reports from cycle shops in London suggest that British urban cyclists may be about to finally embrace the cargo bike as a healthy and green way of avoiding congestion and parking costs.

A spokesperson for the Environmental Transport Association (ETA) said: “If the success of the school-run-friendly Christiania cargo trike is the beginning of a trend, then there may soon be a market for the ‘Bag or Bike’, particularly among people who use pedal trikes for independent transport.”

I made myself cycle to the shops, I'm becoming a right recluse at the moment, it's too cold out :( but I'm sure it's been colder? It's because It goes dark so early.

Steve M is coming round to cut my bush wi his big chopper tomorrow, he's doing my mate Julies as well, so he's bringing his friend and collegue Andy round too :)

Oooooooooh yeah, Do you have a record Rob of Ziggys frame number??? Where do I find it?

Change of plan :) I'm off to the pub. Byyyyyeeeeeeeee hiccupxxxx

The Spit was good, lots of folk in there. 2 Goldfish bowls of wine, and chips all round. My very grown up daughter 12 goin on 22, decided she wanted to walk home next to me to make sure, I was ok, whist my boy went galavanting off, with his mates. I backed up onto Ziggy, (I'm sure many of you know exactly what I mean) Anyway yep, you guessed it I fell back jabbing my ribs on the handle bar!!!and my arse split in 2 over the cross bar! my head meeting the tarmac. How fortunate, that I always have my helmet on. It sounds dramatic, but not really. This car pulled up beaming his head lights on me, after a while, and it became evident, he wasn't going to offer assistance. My daughter turned to him, and asked if he'd got a problem with her disabled mother, lying on the concrete, in 'his parking space'??? I did smile at her, and told her she was better off fetching Anj, Julie, or Pete, when Anj arrived (big fuss, I hate it) I asked her to pass me an outside chair and I was up in a jiffy.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

As expected :(

If anyone has a spare trike, will you please sell it to me, it doesn't matter how rough it looks, as long as it moves, for a couple of days at a time. Because although I do inspirational things for S.S and will no doubt continue too, because I like it, I was refused permission to go and buy a new trike.

So really it's a load of b* that because of my SDS, I was able to get Ziggy, and win such acclaim at Pride Of Britain etc. In actual fact it's down to the CTC for donating money to buy Ziggy, and Miriam of Zest and Dave of CTC for nominating me.

But they have granted my annual holiday to Centre Parks, and gym membership, Richard my cleaner, and an ever so generous amount of a pound a week in order to buy my mate a packet of peanuts in the pub. (don't take me literally on that!! but it equates to the same cost.)

Ooooh but then I've just checked my phone messages, and there was a message saying that the Interim Executive Director of Adult Social Services, wants to meet me, after speaking to Jeanette Thompson about me???? Now I love Jeanette, me and her are like bezzy mates, (not really) but we respect each other sooo much. That I aint in the least bit worried, infact I'm excited at the prospect.

Anyway my children are out with their Dad, peace. xxxxx

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Planted the Seed.......bum bum!!!!

The Head Injury Unit that I attend, for my 'monthleys' not periods, has a disused small courtyard/patio. Now Zest, is a few yards away, and they are looking for spare gardens, to grow veg on. Now I thought it would be fantastic, if Zest worked with some of the folk who had suffered brain damage and produced their own veg. :) But alas the court yards out of bounds and deemed unsafe, it will be made safe hopefully y summer. When both Mark the Centre Manager and Zest, will look again. OOOOOOOOOOh speaking of Look Again, I've got my Look Again results tomorrow, eeeeeek.

Ey I'm proud of myself today, I went to Millhouses Park, calling to take my Mum a video of Pride Of Britain, ahhhh she cried, and then fell asleep, so I'm not too sure but I enjoyed it. Because I had Imagined that hed sent me 4 copies of all the nominations that went on that week, so I'd have to sit through all of them. Ahhh bless Mark Whitti the Producer of Calendar, he'd edited it so well, it was all about the Inclusive Cycling and all my appearances :)

And I guess Rob and Carol Hague have posted spare tyres before? It was beatifully wrapped complete witrh inner tube. I will do the cheque tonight, b4 I forget.

The logistics of taking my trike to the Marathon, are looking hard, plus surely I can't leave my children in the stadium on their own, whilst I go off like a wipper snipe, without a care in the world. I'm thinking. Autism Plus wanted to do it, butt after being all giddy, Steve calmed me down, to reality.

I met Mair also known as Cycle Chic in the park along with Miriam, (bless her she got hopelessly lost) We spoke aboutthis newish cycling group which has emerged called British Embassy of Cycling, and it's hopes which in an ideal world would be great. Because I do know that it's true the more roads are built the more cars wilkl fill them. Surely we have to say NO one day.

Came back the busy dual carriageway,up by the sise of Millhouses Park, and through my Nemesis lights, it aint to bad going straight through though. It just seems a long way.

My arse seems to be getting close to the floor again, although I've got the nack of booting the higher gears on effectively which is soo much better. I didn't call at the bike tree, I rushed back for my wee boy.

Eeeeeek big man tomorrow

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Fed up :(

I know sometimes I get over enthused about things, and I imagine I become a bit of a pain, in the butt. And I put the same umph into new relationships, whether they be a work collegue, or a fb. And as always my latest FB wants to keep it at that. So I don't know, I'm not in a good place at all. I'm really unhappy.

I hope to get a mileage gauge tomorrow, if they aint too expensive.

Monday, 10 January 2011

Half Marathon???

Not last year, but the 2 previous years, I have supported my friend from Leeds who works for Northern Rail...Paul. Doing Sheffield's half Marathon, and my children have done the Fun Run. To be honest I find it incredibly Stressful watching my children run out the stadium, so I'm not sure how I will cope with that one. But Pauls keen for me to cycle, my kids love it, and hated me for not entering them last year (boo Mum) So I need transport to take Ziggy down there, plus 3 of us. I will maybe phone a few folk tomorrow. I'll have to get special permission and all that...I don't know if I could cycle that far?

I feel happy now :)because My mates just phoned to confirm she wants to go to the Spit on Saturday, plus Sheffield Cycle Chic, wants to meet in Millhouses Park, which suits me fine, because I'm meeting Miriam for lunch on Wednesday.

MMmmmmmm, spoke wi Steve M today who said, 'You get so much support Caroline' from saoooo many folk' And well I'm not quite sure how to take that?? He said he'd nominated me, for volunteer of the year, before Xmas.

My SW boss, phoned me today to arrange to come round to discuss my budget!! Ahhhh I did lol, I asked him if I should get a solicitor!! He wasn't amused, he's never met me. But I got the impression, his guard was up.

Sunday, 9 January 2011


I feel like I'm back to being me, purely and simply because when I woke this morning I knew I wanted to visit my Mum, at Henliegh Hall. I was very nervous about cycling today, but the weather was perfect for it. So as I often do, I text ed a few folk to tell them my intention, because then I knew, that they would ask me tomorrow, if I'd been, and I'd be ashamed of myself if I hadn't gone. (It always works)I couldn't believe the state of the roads!! there is a huge Creator, that I keep going down on my way to the pub, that I fell down again today (that sounded dramatic, its about 4 inches deep) so not quite fell down.

I was fine as I gathered speed on the dual carriageway, which narrows into just a normal busy rd. But I found I simply couldn't be bullied into the gutters, because they were full of 'crap'. So I needed to travel a bit more central, than I'm comfy with (I only get uncomfortable because of the increasing queue of traffic I hold up!!)Mum was beautiful as ever, and whilst there the new Activity Worker came up and introduced herself. I told her about the cycles at Hillsborough, and my idea for cycling in the Park. She was as keen as my mate Karen, had been to introduce cycling to the residents. I told her that just today, a young male resident with Cerebral Palsy, who'd let me in. Had gone onto ask about Ziggy, was very keen to have a go, in the safety of the park. Which I know doesn't get cars off the road, and I don't suppose it will do that much for an individuals health because they might only get to cycle once or twice a week. But I hope it makes them as happy as it's made me.

Oh btw, I'm Man bird because I've got my Sunday Curry :)

I may delete this paragraph, am I mean because I wouldn't meet a man, who wanted to talk about leaving his wife??? I'm no agony aunt.

Saturday, 8 January 2011


I feel a little foolish, and I'm incredibly moved, because to be nominated for s'thing by Steve,....well he only says what he means, which has been a bit hurtful to hear at times. And he's actually nominated me, for CTCs Volunteer of 2010, I feel honoured that he recognises the effort, i put in. And indeed the fortunate position i find (put myself) in, with Adult Social Services. And the rest isn't an effort, it's just me being me, and cycling because it's practical.

I do miss s'one to go for pleasurable (not that I don't enjoy what I do)cycle, because it does seem to have been all purposeful my cycling since, Mr Potts and I parted friendship. And I became engrossed in the Inclusive Cycling, There's no doubt about it, I recognise the driving force cycling is in my life, and I want to share that force with others. I just think I need to find a few other interests, or take more notice of my family, maybe?

I only cycled to the bus stop and back today, but I do just love it:) It just ticks all the boxes for me, I feel so energised, and I just can't understand, why those disabled folk who are capable, well why they don't cycle? I certainly don't agree with some sort of Nazi State, where folk don't get an option to how they travel but I have personally freed up so much of my allowance because I cycle more places.

Am I rambling? My children and I went to Jumbos for lunch and ate sooooo much!! I definitely will cycle to Mums tomorrow, unless it snows? I was supposed to be meeting a guy for a coffee tomorrow????? He's just told me he's married :(

Dave?? Hope today went really well. :)

Thursday, 6 January 2011


Oooh I am buzzzing, it's so exciting for me, when I see one of my little snippets of ideas coming to fruition. Or when s'one else says Wow, lets do it!!! Let me explain a bit, I was asked to go on this planning meeting about the empty shop units in Sheffield. I attended a group of 4 today, after having such a good nights sleep, I didn't wake until 835 am!!! Bugger!!!! My children had to be at school, I had to think on my feet for the next 30mins, but yes, they got there all be it late!

I arrived at the meeting at 1, and listened to what folk wanted to do, and not really wanting to interrupt, because I wasn't sure. I started to draw My Tree. Which of course had pictures of Ziggy, and all my Health Champion stuff, and what a big part the CTC had played in my life like York etc, and my SDS training stuff all sorts of really empowering stuff.

Anyway this went down really well, with everyone. And one thing led to another, and rather than interrupt again, but I had to just draw Apples or Fruit on 'the Tree' each fruit had an achievement or solution to a need. It's now become 'a display' on our 2days, which will probably include me taking Ziggy in, and leaflets of all I am involved in, (i've got no idea, how many other leaflets are being given out??? on that day?)

And I want The tree to be planted in sand, big lolly pop sticks, for folk to ask questions, and leave contact details and stick them in the sand. So they don't get lost.

I'm calming down now.......I had to sort out my wee boys hearing phoning school, and hosps etc, but I kinda get the impression my son and I are on our own in thinking that he's having difficulty.

I AM going to my Mums tomorrow honest:)

My lil boys X box is getting fixed in the afternoon. ;)

I'm still buzzing i must calm, I think I'll go and pour some wine.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Yipeeee!! blissss

I can't wait for bed time, I've actually got a bed to sleep in :) Infact my children and I have just been to lie down on it, just for the hell of it, and the treat, and the memory!

It was my Mum and Dads, they had it about a month, and then first my Dad became very ill, and flitted between a single bed downstairs in the lounge and hospital, before dying a pretty agonising death of Cancer. And then after, it was if my Mum had been holding out just to look after him, because the demise of her mental state was evident to anyone who knew her. And so his hospital bed in the lounge, was soon occupied again, by Mum until she just couldn't cope anymore.

I bottled out of cycling to my Mums, I havent cycled there for about 6 weeks, and tomorrow, I'm attending a meeting about that disused shop front, I'm wearing 4 hats whilst there. I think I might take a false beard and glasses :D And I might get some feed back on my 'Look Again' SDS budget. If I was happy and energetic, I would cycle to Mums in the am, but I do doubt that will happen :P

Oh and fantastic Rob, you are a star!! I will try those velcro straps, and next time, I'm at a DIY store I will try and get a lil stock :)

Oooooooooooooh you know the recipients of that stinky letter I wrote yesterday? Well coincidently Steve M, has asked me to take Ziggy down to an 'open day they're having. Should be fun!!

Night, I'm gonna get an early night :)

Monday, 3 January 2011

My complaint to Community Support

Below is an email, I sent after being advised to do so, I was suprised how it moved me soo.

Horis, I'd be ever so grateful, if you could forward this on to 'Wendy'? The woman who has as much insight into my difficulties as a Gnat!!!! and who kept leaving me messages, (a day too late) on my BT line, which was Out of Order, because of The Flood!! saying if I needed further support, to phone her. Did she just not appreciate the difficulties?

And then sorry Horis, (because I think you are Fab) for you to congratulate me, the following day for coping really well. Yeah, did I have any choice? I had asked for your help the afternoon of the 21st when water was pouring down my stairs. And you had kept me waiting until 'You got back to the office' where you would phone any necessary services for me????? It just ne' happened because apparently s'one had told you, I should learn to be independent. Thank goodness I have some good friends who came to my rescue! So no I still wasn't independent!! Just very lucky to know nice folk.

Although I was grateful for the extra hour, you could spare Cheryl for, to help me sweep up.

I did try phoning Social Services, who claimed 'We don't deal with emergencies!, we are a Social Care Dept!!'

My children aged 12 and 8, stayed at their Dads, I sat in the cold and dark with no electricity till 8pm waiting for a plumber and sparky that didn't show. B4 my darling brother collected me. My kids were so worried about how 'Mum' would cope, which is more than Community Support were

Jenny Brindle and I have been battling through My Review, and I actually said, I felt safe and secure except in emergencies 'Like having a burst, and flood'. I mean how many times have I been put on the 'back burner' because s'one else 's had a crisis???

I'm certainly not wanting a weekly visit, I'm not actually sure I want one at all? I need s'one I can rely on.

Just to let you know? I'm having new ceilings and re plastering and skirting boards and carpets, and laminate floor, to every room in my house apart from 2!!! They've been and taken mine and Finns bed away, to be destroyed, We don't have anywhere to sleep, because I can't get up off the floor because of my disability.

I'm crying as I write this because I actually feel very sorry for myself. And anyone who knows me know, it's just not my thing.

But Ey Up Happy New Year!!

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Urrrrgh, my life, it's all gone black!!

I haven't got a bed to sleep in, my children are so bored without their 'Gadgets'. I can't sleep on the floor because, I find it too difficult to stand quickly, the settee is cricking my neck, but yet I don't want to move to a hotel, because I don't drive, and the logistics of getting the kids to school etc, would be a nightmare!! But watch this space, because I'm gonna phone the localish pub, which has en suite rooms to let...sometimes. Because having got my beds condemned and removed yesterday, I set about ordering 2 today, and nowhere would guarantee delivery within a month!!! And not wanting to cycle with a bed precariously balanced (Im sure I saw someone do that on tv!!! with a mobility scooter!!) Was it Dave??? :) nowt would surprise me!!

We cycled to the bus stop today, to catch a bus to the January Sales, which were indeed on, if you wanted to buy a Dining Room Table, or Settee, but my 8 year old wasn't really into all that, because it didn't have Call Of Duty Black Opps plastered all over it (the in thing...apparently)

My daughters been let loose on my Blog,

I've sent Rob my postal address, via email I haven't got your email Pete.

I'll be happier maybe when I get busy doing my stuff again, which doesn't neccersarily involve my little dears.

Hey remember Wagner? I picked up on a street corner? he's been back in touch.

I'm gonna stop searching for my 'true love' It'll have to find me!! But if i'm honest, I aint searched 'I'm just Ready Baby ;)

Let me know if anyone finds the tree annoying as a background? I found it a bit difficult to follow the text, Daisy did it, my children are invading my only bit of privacy.....the novelty will wear off though.

Catch you soon. :)