Thursday, 20 January 2011

They've Won but I'm ok

My support plan went to Panel again today, they're the folk that say, whether I'm spending the money sensibly. So I had to say no to the trike and related stuff. And no to being quite as lavish with my mates :)They would pay for my membership to the swimming pool with gym, but they wouldn't pay for my children. And they will pay for the difference in price of a pontins holiday and a very stress free Centre Parks one. So I'm a little better off financially, if it gets passed (I think it will)

How exciting though!! The secretary of The Interim Director Of Adult Social Care, phoned this morning, and asked me where I'd like to meet 'Ed' (hey 1st name basis). So I said Millhouses Park, because I can cycle there.

I spoke to Steve about plans, which I will go into if owt happens.

Cycled to Mums, and publisized Hillsborough Open day, at Henliegh Hall, I do hope s'thing happens.

I'm working tomorrow, if I can find s'one to fetch the children

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