Sunday, 9 January 2011


I feel like I'm back to being me, purely and simply because when I woke this morning I knew I wanted to visit my Mum, at Henliegh Hall. I was very nervous about cycling today, but the weather was perfect for it. So as I often do, I text ed a few folk to tell them my intention, because then I knew, that they would ask me tomorrow, if I'd been, and I'd be ashamed of myself if I hadn't gone. (It always works)I couldn't believe the state of the roads!! there is a huge Creator, that I keep going down on my way to the pub, that I fell down again today (that sounded dramatic, its about 4 inches deep) so not quite fell down.

I was fine as I gathered speed on the dual carriageway, which narrows into just a normal busy rd. But I found I simply couldn't be bullied into the gutters, because they were full of 'crap'. So I needed to travel a bit more central, than I'm comfy with (I only get uncomfortable because of the increasing queue of traffic I hold up!!)Mum was beautiful as ever, and whilst there the new Activity Worker came up and introduced herself. I told her about the cycles at Hillsborough, and my idea for cycling in the Park. She was as keen as my mate Karen, had been to introduce cycling to the residents. I told her that just today, a young male resident with Cerebral Palsy, who'd let me in. Had gone onto ask about Ziggy, was very keen to have a go, in the safety of the park. Which I know doesn't get cars off the road, and I don't suppose it will do that much for an individuals health because they might only get to cycle once or twice a week. But I hope it makes them as happy as it's made me.

Oh btw, I'm Man bird because I've got my Sunday Curry :)

I may delete this paragraph, am I mean because I wouldn't meet a man, who wanted to talk about leaving his wife??? I'm no agony aunt.


  1. Did you manage to rig your parking brakes before the trip?

  2. Ahhh, yes Rob sorry forgot to mention, theough experience of em, I am keeping those strips in my bag though, And I only tend to use the one.

    But great, it helps a lot. Especoa;;y as the weeks of inactivity and foodm srrm to have left me with no stomach muscles!!!
