Monday, 31 October 2011


I was soooo very depressed, but then a little birdie (not sexist at all, but it was called Laura) told me I had a secret Mortgage 'stash'. What an absolute relief!!!

Firstly my taxi arrived 30mins early, then the taxi driver asked me to get the staff at HIRC, to confirm that I was ok to be dropped off, at Zest!!! The driver thought it too dangerous, to let a 'Brain Damaged jibbering woman', loose on the streets of Sheffield!!!! :D I had to bite my tongue!! as I put it back in my mouth after licking the window, at passers by.

I met Miriam, and was driven for a gorgeous lunch, from where I buy lunch When I'm at Hillsborough, I wish I'd had more time to call in and see Nick :(

But after 4 years of really thorough research and discussions, finally the day had arrived, when Jay and I were to interview our first Survivor 0f Brain Injury, about his discharge (yuk!)process. And what a fantastic couple 'Mark' and 'Sue' (fictitious names) were? I know Jay, my partner and Occupational Therapist at the Centre, was happy, with how things went. I think the couple were just happy to be back in the security of HIRC. Which had obviously offered some comfort 8 years ago.

My Cab arrived, I rushed back just in time for my first lot of tricka treaters of the evening. My daughters gone out looking like an evil but very attractive Lily Cole!! and my Son ? some kind of Terrorist!!!

Today has really tired me :)

I'm going to visit Mum tomorrow. (watch it rain)


  1. I hope you will complain to the taxi co. about the rude idiot.

  2. Nah, he was just obeying rules I supposed. He did apologise, and I could tell he felt a bit foolish.

