Saturday, 14 January 2012


Having spoken to the folk today from Erin Hounds, Holly dog (coincidentally what my late Mums dog was called)is a bit poorly, she has got some sort of Kidney infection, because she's got blood in her wee wee. They've promised to foot any vets bills concerning this problem. But she's having problems at night. I was asked if I wanted to wait a couple of weeks, but yeah as if my kids would do that. And she was already in Manchester, collecting her when we spoke. Sooo tomorrow She's joining our family. Apparently Whippets, ate Never Aggressive to man or beast, (except small furry animals that run quickly!!) and Holly was not an ex racer. So hopefully will not have too much of that instinct. Mind you the 4 cats next door will get a 'Wake Up Call' when they pooh in my garden again!!!

I cycled to the Pet shop, which was closed :(

Hey check my FaceBook page out, my friend Wendy Creed, (hot flush) Does anyone else have hot flushes? I suppose not, as a lot of you are men. I'm really suffering with them at the moment, at least I presume that's what they are? I must go to the GPs but I'm not sure I really want anything he prescribes. I have a vague memory, of my Mum having treatment for Brittle bones, which is hereditary I think? All these questions!! Anyway my mate Wendy is very proud of my 2 wheeled antics, and is really making me very welcome at this years All Ability, Cycle Conference in New quay, on April the 26th.

Urm, what else?

I think I successfully completed the online Torch Carrier Form, but I honestly don't know.


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