Monday 8 March 2010

Mmm Totley :)

I was full of excitement today because I had been given a long slot with Rony Robinson on the local radio, it was my chance to make amends (I felt) for the last radio interview I did. And fair enough, I possibly came across as a bit of a dolls head today, but a happy one. I will come back to this later, because, why change the habit of a lifetime and suddenly start writing coherently?

At ICDH today, we were beginning a new unit, Recognising Strengths in the Community. Although I was the only one who lived in my area, I was ok with that. Because I am comfortable with who I am, and where I live. I am also happy spending time within a lot of different areas of Sheffield. Consequently I had to present to the class a map of local amenities within my area. I listed the usual stuff that can be found in every area, like churches, pubs, schools, the emergency services. Transport links with the city, and I have a local train station, that runs a regular service into the surrounding villages. I'm lucky enough to live next to a park for my children to play in, it's great in summer because myself and a few mums, take picnic blankets out, onto the park. We have food and wine it's great!!

Last summer saw me reliant on a lot of the community, for support whilst I learnt to ride a tricycle, because I had wanted to use one as for transport as apposed to my mobility scooter. In an attempt to get fitter, more independent, happier. Get more street cred, and respect. It has made me a bit of a local celebraty. The past 10months have seen me kind of touring the local parks playing a part in Cycle For Health. Anyway, during all this time, the other school Mums have cheered me along, theyve been there for me, should my trike break down. But amazingly 4 of them can't even cycle!! And as the local school, is very bike orientated, and Steve suggested that if I could get them all to agree to cycling lessons, on the school playground, and school would agree to it. He'd teach them himself!! So I have held him to his word, I've been to see the head misstress, and we agreed to send a blanket letter out to all parents, and wait to see what the take up is.

Also I have put many hours into befriending this guy with MS, who lives not too far away. I have spent time researching suitable tricycles for him. And put him in touch with some useful cycling folk. He has now bought a tricycle and starts C4H in April. So although Health Champions role is usually to do with district communities, I have found my role recently as looking out for and offering support to folk with disabilities, and non cyclists wanting to learn. In the hope that they will get as much pleasure and freedom, as I do.

Oh yeah, where was I? ......The radio, It went so well, apart from I got a bit giddy because Rony is a fab interviwer, he has the ability to put me at ease, and I really enjoyed it. For those of you folk who missed it, shame on you!! You can't get out of it, you can catch it online on Radio Sheffield.

Debs after spending 3hours patiently putting my course work into clear plastic pages in my new file. It snapped open spilling papers everywhere today. I have retreived them all, but haven't a prayer at putting them back in any kind of assemblance. Heeeeelp!!!!!

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