Wednesday 28 April 2010

Mary, Liz, and Nicky

Ahhh, I think I really missed working, last week. Because I was really pleased to work with everyone. And what a fab group I'd got this week, because they laughed at all my jokes.....bum..bum. :D It is quite an eye opener for me to see how far I've come, in 3 years. And quite nice, to think when I'm acting as I did 3 years ago? My ultimate goal, would be to ......'Cycle'.... Because it meets all my needs, why didn't I think of it so long ago, why has it taken me 3 years to discover.

But it was such a neccersary struggle I had to go through. To think last summer, I wanted to snatch (not that sort!!!) someones hand off because they offered me a tricycle for £150.00, and Steve CTC kept saying 'you deserve more,' because I tried so hard, and he just wanted me to find it a bit easier :) I'm happy to say, I did hang on and thanks to so many folk including West Country Recumbent and the Cycle Touring Club, I got a Greenspeed GT5 the dogs bollox of recumbent cycles.

Hi if I met you today, and good luck for tomorrow :)


  1. Got to take issue with that! The 'dog's bollox' of recumbent trikes is the Trice! Must be, 'cos I've got one :0)

  2. :) Ok, ok, point taken. We all have our own dogs bollox, so to speak :D
    C x
