Friday, 17 June 2011


What a fab and varied life I have! I do love my time at Brockwood. And today was no different, but hey on the way, this taxi driver (not the usual ones, I have to use the ones the council uses-Mercury Cars? Well the taxi driver, because I talk insessantly at times. Suggested that I get in touch with his firm, about my transport problems to Hillsborough. So watch this space?

Anyway, I worked a lot with Ian and Dan today ;) (in my dreams) Ian had been speaking to Steve M last week, about voluntary work in Cycling. Well Ian, you could always mentor me :) I just didn't think of it earlier.

I still can't get my head round fit healthy folk finding me inspirational, but hey?

Hey I also worked with a woman, and her husband who were interested to know about the Velor Plus, does anyone know it's weight capacity? She had a very heavy wheelchair.,

Aww bless my lil girl, she phoned my moby to say, she would be late etc, and not to worry about her bruv, because she'd already text him and told him to wait next door!! Some wanna be Social Worker (nah she was actually nice) then said, do you think your kids are missing out on their childhood?

Hey I've got a meeting Monday morning, about a Cycle Picnic, We're arranging at Zest. The plan is to take some folk to Alder Hay??? is it?? out in Derbyshire, to the Cycle Centre. Where we can hire cycles of all shapes and sizes. I'll keep you posted, on that too.

I'm not going to Fishy Friday:) Because I was ever so fishy at Lunchtime at Brockwood:Dxxxx

1 comment:

  1. Your kids may not be getting the 'standard' childhood but then they are blessed with a non standard Mum!
    'Missing out'? On what? They are getting a much richer life experience, I reckon.
    My missus agrees so I may be right :0)

