Ahhhh.....I forgot to mention? That possibly due to my growing size and weight, and the prospect of not going to Hillsborough this week, (because of the teachers strike.) I was...am feeling negative, and unappreciated, and under valued. I think I was looking for s'thing that I'd got more control, over whether I get there or not? ie s'thing nearer.
A long time ago Kev Hickman asked me why I didn't set up a Cycle group in Millhouses Park, because I can and do cycle there frequently. I asked round as bit, and the problems were beyond my control, so I left the idea, till I met with Richard Webb recently, and suggested that, a bike and a tricycle were kept at Millhouses Park. (I would be on mine, it's just in case the 2 wheeler was difficult for the wanna be cyclist?) And once a week, I would come and meet s'one who'd maybe been referred or wanted to get back into cycling??? And cycle round the park, ending the cycle with a customary cake and coffee, (it's no wonder I'm a fat bastard) I hear you say!!
Anyway Richard Webb, suggested that I contact Friends Of Millhouses Park, so thats what I did, on Tuesday. I didn't even reread what I'd written, I just thought they'd get the jist, and if interested, they'd get back to me.
Wednesday Morning,
I'd made arrangements to meet, Pam, and Lawrence in Millhouses Park, at 930 am. Steve Marsden rang, and because we aint spoken for ages, I blither ed on about stuff and I just chucked into conversation, that I'd written to FOMP. Eeeeeek!! It was 920!!! I must go I've got to meet Pam at Millhouses Park!!! in 10mins!!
Off I sped, and did it in record time, (no make up though, my hair looking bedraggled from the shower) I was only 5 mins late.Anyway halfway through speaking to Lawrence and Pam, Steve arrived. Having just had a meeting with FOMP about 'Cliffhanger' which is in the park this Saturday and Sunday. And they spoke of my contact and whether it was possible? Everyone thought it sounded good, but.... they came up with a few buts, which I did give solutions to. So watch this space....
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