Friday, 10 June 2011

Thursday Hillsbrough

Awww, I do love Steve M, and was very happy to see him today, at Hillsborough. It wasn't very busy today because we're inbetween Cycle For Health groups. I know my days there are numbered now, as my funding ends in August, and it will be such a shame. Because I really think I give my moneys worth, but I have to say I didn't really on Thursday.

OOoooh at 11, first group didn't show. But when the big 'odd' but absolutely great guys from A+ came, I quickly cycled down to the courts with the Guy who rides a 2 wheeler, and extremely meekly (hey you know me) I asked these 2 mothers fags in gobs, who were watching over a tribe of toddlers. If they'd mind moving 25yards to the next court, so their children wouldn't get run over by the group of cyclists that were making their way to the courts. One woman lolled back on her hip, dragged on her fag, and spat out the words, And why cant you go to the other court!!! I was so shocked, because I honestly was so kind. I had to smile though when she saw the big guys coming onto the court, on their Cycles. She ran shouting 'Toramedina!! come ere now!! and scooped this 3 year old in her arms. :D Only one of the A+ staff witnessed it, but she was dead impressed with how cool I was!!

And then I spent ages chatting to this guy who had his 2 children on Scoots you know bicycles wi no pedals. These kids were flying. And he'd had them resprayed with a marble effect, an flames on the other they both looked soi cool. I vaguely thought about having Ziggy resprayed, but I couldn;t now, I'm friends with Ian who owns Greenspeed.

I did say to Steve M, 'Oh yes, do you mind we're having a picnic, in Cycle Week? Nick, Dave, Fred and I waited with baited breath, for his reply. I noticed on one of the many emails, that youi were, and I think it's great.

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