Sunday, 17 April 2011

Sooooo Rude. xxx

Hi, I've remembered to do humongous sized text, but alas I haven't sussed the Paragraphs yet???? Been to Mums, without incident, hey does this mean I'm nearly a normal cyclist?? Boriiiiiiing, but mustn't grumble. :)x

;0) I've just had a very rude surprise visit, mmmmm, I just wish he didn't live 300miles away, it might become more of a bad (but nice) habit :)xx
I am boring, but content. I've become all considerate, and 'nice' I'd be really upset if I'd offended, or embarrassed a Reader.


  1. I still cant duplicate my paragraphs, has anyone any ideas, please?

  2. Hey actually I've got Paragraphs!!!! Don't Ask??? xxxx

  3. sorry caroline but done like the blue line on new blog set up,other than that its good to change now and again.
    p.s. see you sat if you are going down to ctc stand

  4. I know I'm so naffed off with technology. My text has really shrunk, and I'm just playing about trying to get it back to a legitimate state. I thought it maybe easier to read? Than the previous ones?

    And yes, you will see me there, I'm not sure what time, maybe 10.30am.

    Thanks for comment, I thought everyone had left me. :(

  5. Good job I didn't decide to drop by then on my way North after visit - VERY busy at present so comments will be sparse.

    Lucky you for the surprise visitor - 300 miles from you must put them somewhere off the coast by my reckoning as its 350 miles from me to Leicester.and you are closer than that

    KH has just e-mailed - he's turning up in Glasgow tomorrow - footloose somewhat.

  6. It is a fantastic post – immense clear and easy to understand. I am also holding out for the sharks too that made me laugh. xxx
