Friday 15 April 2011

Work and Mmmmmm fishy Friday. x

I went to Brockwood, to help with training up Social Support Staff, it's always funny, I defiantly missed my vocation in life. But I'm still shocked at how 'inspirational' people find my life, story? It's the fact that it's so natural to be happy and upbeat, when I feel energised, like I do, when I cycle. It's so easy to achieve, I can't understand why everyone doesn't do s'thing that they are passionate about. But I realised I'd worked all afternoon, just to take 3 children to the Pub!!!! Hey, I even took the 2minute DVD to show the class, it was of me saying really 'deep and meaningful' things like 'Ooooh cyclins Ace' :D (or words to that effect) Anyway, it got folk interested, in Hillsborough and the cycling. I came home, and took 3 kids to the Pub for Fishy Friday, because

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